Our vision is that the FWC inspires a network of women with partners in the military to come together to seek adventure and create, organise and participate in their own challenges.  It will unite this community, raise awareness of the sacrifices they make and the skills and experiences they can offer.  It will deliver a positive message of how a group of women working together can overcome challenge.


our story


Heather, founder of FWC shares:

Heather with ‘Barry’

Heather with ‘Barry’

I served 10 years in the Regular Army before pressures of bringing up a young family with both my husband and I serving meant that we had to make the difficult decision for me to leave.  In the military I thought I appreciated how tough it was for forces families but it wasn’t until I immersed myself in the community that I truly understood.

While serving I had the opportunity to go on operations, exercises, lead expeditions – I took full advantage of all the opportunities for adventure and excitement that a military career offers.  I had a sense of purpose, identity, I was part of a team and felt that incredible sense of belonging that being a member of the military generates.

When I left and entered this community I didn’t know what to expect.  I’m ashamed to say that I was completely blinkered to all of this and staggeringly I believed that I was somehow different.  I wondered if I would have anything in common with these women or if I would make any friends? I was to be very pleasantly surprised.  Every pre-conceived idea was shattered and on posting after posting I found a diverse, dynamic and resilient group of women who had all made incredible sacrifices to support their partner’s careers in the Armed Forces.

This was the ‘Secret Life of A Forces Wife’, each with their unique story to tell and own mix of skills and experiences.  It got me thinking …. imagine what you could achieve if you harnessed these skills and united this community through adventure and challenge.  A challenge that had been chosen, organised and delivered by them to celebrate their drive, ambition, strength and, above all, support for each other.  And so the Forces Wives Challenge was conceived. 

'Together we can Achieve Anything.'



We'd love it if you joined us - whether it's to take part in a challenge, support a challenge, spread the word or simply join our network of talented, experienced and skilled women through our Facebook group.